Mindfulness: Finding Calm In The Chaos



Finding calm in the chaos of this world can be a cruel pursuit. From daily demands to philosophical curiosity and the overall pressure of trying to figure out what it is we’re really supposed to be doing — things can start to feel heavy, and fast.

It’s no surprise that statistics show the majority of us are feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied with life. In most cases, there’s often no escaping the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, but there are little things we can do each day to help balance the chaos of this modern world.

Kickstarting Your Mindfulness Routine

Amidst the mayhem, self-care should always be a priority. And it can be simpler than you might think. It’s important to find time amongst the chaos to re-centre and balance through simple mindfulness habits. A few

minutes of practising intentional living in the moment every day has the power to drastically improve your quality of life. So take the time to find what satisfies you. Get into the habit of carving out the time to kickstart your mindfulness routine, and start transforming your life one mindful step at a time. Once.

“Take the time to find what satisfies you, get into the habit of carving out the time to kickstart your mindfulness routine, and start transforming your life.

Daily Habits For A Mindful Life


Gratitude is more than a simple thank you — it’s a deeply rooted embodiment of true appreciation for the life you get to live. Studies show when you increase the amount of gratitude in your life, your happiness follows. Start thinking more about the things in your life that you’re grateful for and less about the things you aren’t so happy about. You become what you think, so the more grateful you feel, the more grateful you’ll be. The things you appreciate the most in this life will start to multiply in a ripple effect across all aspects of your life. Eventually, the little things in life will become your biggest source of happiness and life will naturally start seeming more positive. Grab a journal and make a daily note of the things you’re grateful to have in your life and the things you value most. You might be surprised at how long the list really is.

Yogic breathing

Feelings of dissatisfaction and overwhelm lead to stress and anxiety. And stress and anxiety send your heart into overdrive. When your breath is racing, your mind tends to join in. The best way to calm your mind is to start with your breath. Yogis use breath as an anchor — and you can too. Take a moment, relax your shoulders and focus on each breath. Inhale and exhale slowly and with focused intention. There is a lot of research that shows how mindfully inhaling air into the lower lungs is powerful in reducing anxiety in any situation. Breathing is such a simple, but important gift, and we have the power to use it as a tool to mindfully calm our body and mind and feel more relaxed in our daily lives.


Experts say mindful walking can aid in releasing worries and help to bring peace into our body and mind. Try taking the scenic route next time you’re walking somewhere, grab your coffee to go and take a stroll down the road to release your thoughts. Spending more time in nature and taking a moment to yourself to think about your surroundings and your connection to nature will help you feel more relaxed, mindful, and calm — plus you might get that boost of vitamin D you didn’t know you were needing.

Put your phone down (just for a moment)

We often automatically pick up our phone and endlessly scroll when we’re doing things like eating, drinking, or taking a break. When you take a minute to put your phone down and enjoy more moments without distraction you’ll find a greater appreciation for the small things. You’ll also be more conscious about what you’re eating — mindless eating is one of the biggest habits our generation tends to fall into and has been shown to lead to unconscious increased consumption of food. Plus, you’ll feel instantly calmer. You might also find that your productivity increases, too.


Listen to everything around you; the sounds of nature, birds singing in the trees, the breeze whispering as it rushes past you, the melody of voices carrying through the air. Taking a moment to tune into the sounds around you can instantly bring you closer to the present moment. Listening with intention when you’re around others can do this, too. It’s too easy to forget to listen sometimes. And there’s a big difference between active and passive listening. Acknowledging how you interact with others and gifting your undivided attention for the duration of conversations helps you become mentally present. It also reminds you to be grateful for the positive noise in your life. Pay more attention to the conversations that bring you positivity and start sifting out the negative noise.

Turn your attention inwards

Listen to your intuition. Often your subconscious mind knows better than your conscious mind. The things you feel inside are there for a reason. If something feels off, it’s probably for a reason. Start listening to your intuition

 “Mindfulness is a powerful tool that helps you channel your inner guide and points you in the direction of inner peace.”

and chase the situations and experiences in life that fuel you, bring you happiness, and help you adopt a positive and optimistic approach to life. The more you do this, the more you’ll connect and learn to trust yourself. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that helps you channel your inner guide and points you in the direction of inner peace.

Mindfulness is about simplicity — finding calm in the ordinary. It doesn’t require work, but a willingness to let go. To simply let each moment be exactly what it is with complete awareness and acceptance.