Ep.3 Project [r]: The Rise

Come with me while I change my life with one simple decision.

A few months ago I made a promise to myself. A promise to make one simple decision — to commit to changing one thing every single day. And it is already transforming my whole life. 

I called it my project rise, a personal mission to find change. And it has shown me that potential lies within our own limits. I’ve made a decision to start documenting it, to collect all of the moments in my search for change. These episodes are that capsule. And this is what started it all. 


Project [r] is a challenge for myself. It is the start of a journey to change my life. 

I’ve made a promise to myself to make one simple decision to commit to changing one thing every single day. To take one action towards creating a better life. Some days this might be small, other days it might change my whole life in a single moment. 

But it’s about making one choice, taking one action, every day that helps me rise in some way.

These episodes are a collection of those actions, a collection of my thoughts, words, and moments. A place for me to document the changes, the lessons, the musings, and the things I discover while I’m on this journey.

Why? It’s simple.
I want to feel alive.

I spent so much time in a motionless existence. And being stagnant in a world that is constantly moving is an epically hard thing to be. In truth, facing this has scared me more than anything else has in my entire life. There are so many empty holes, so many gaps in my timeline where nothing has moved forward, where life has stayed so completely and utterly still. I’ve lost days, months, and years of memories that weren’t made, places that weren’t seen, and experiences that weren’t felt. I’ve lost a lot of my life in the face of illness. But I’ve also lost it in the face of my own fear from it, my own choices that left me powerless to move on. Instead, I see a chapter of wide open spaces and shadows where the light should have poured in. And it’s left me numb and a little terrified of placing one foot in front of the other. And I know for anything to change, it has to take a leap. It has to take more than just a thought, an idea, a whisper of something close. It has to take action. And to take action, requires commitment, challenge, and relentless determination to stay the course in creating a better life. 

When I write I feel inspired. I feel excited, hopeful, and like a whole world lives within the words that pour out. It is because of this, I know that writing my life is where it all starts. Because when I write, I escape into the experience rather than run from it. Whether it’s an emotion, a feeling, a memory, or a dream if I don’t write about it, I don’t face it. It’s an easy escape route to avoidance and pushing it all aside. But if I do write, if I do put it into words, I take control over it. I face it head-on with strength, courage, and new understanding. It helps me put the world into perspective, to make sense of it all. So I write.

This project is my space for that change, for the spark to ignite. Because if I put my thoughts and musings into words, they take on their own life. They become more than just an idea, they become action, change, and movement in my life that so desperately needs that pull. Every day I’ll be committing to change, to growing and healing in big and small ways. And every week I’ll be here, filling these episodes with all of the adventure, chaos, and growth I find myself in while exploring the world and the inner workings of my own self. From internal discoveries and reflections to tried and failed methods and experiences, to topics I explore, everyday things I stumble on, and life-altering ideas and paths I traverse along the way. From philosophy and psychology to personal growth, and the tips I develop myself for creating a better life. The books I read and the places I travel that widen my perspective of the world and life itself. And above all, the day-to-day shifts and experiences that provide an anchor to this world, a gateway to all that could be and the possibilities I’ve kept hidden from myself for far too long.

I’ll be posting here every Thursday, filling up your screen with episodes I hope will become a capsule for a life of absolute change. I’ll be here, sharing it all.

There will be questions, challenging perspectives, new ideas, and a whole lot of ups, downs, and tangles in between. But there will always be something new because when you commit to growth and commit to change, there is never an end in sight. There is never an end destination, but an endless path with new views and breathtaking horizons because the journey never stops. The view only gets better. And I am so ready to start seeing the world and all that life could be. Because it isn’t about living, it’s about feeling alive. There is so much to be found in taking the journey and putting in the work, even if the work never really ends. I hope you take the journey, too.

Sometimes the mundane can end up being the trigger for absolute change, and I’ll write about that too. I’ll write until there’s nothing left, and then I’ll write some more. Whatever happens, there will always be more to share. Because life never stops going if you’re there to take the ride.

I’m on a mission to discover my next great adventure. And this project is my effort to find the answers and share them with you along the way.

Here’s to the adventure to rising together.

I’ll see you next week,


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