Ep.6 Every Day You Have More

It’s true, isn’t it?

On the path to healing a lot of revelations come to light. Some are groundbreaking, others are small. But each one gets you thinking. And this week I’ve been reflecting on the capacity that another day holds. My act of change became a mission to truly see the value that each day brings and it got me thinking..

Every day gets bigger. Each day we get, holds more than the days we’ve already lived.  

You’ve had days in your past that felt like the best days of your life. And you’ve had days that may have felt like the worst. But this day, today, you have more than you’ve ever had before. On all of your days that have passed, you’ve always had less than you have right now  think of the great days that followed some of your favourite memories, and all that’s happened in between. The simple fact that you can reminisce about them today, shows you how much you’ve gained since. 

Today, you have more experience, wisdom, talent, and skills than you’ve had on any other day. You’ve read more books than you had before, and you’ve had more experiences than any past version of yourself. Everything you’ve ever learnt, or discovered, is carried with you into each new day. And every day this grows, gets bigger, and it won’t ever stop. 

And one day you get to look back on all these days, on all the days you got to live  and see the life you gained through each moment. The life that grew with each step, each breath, and each experience you dove into.

The only thing you need to do is make that count. Remember that every day brings something new, and you choose what to do with it. So learn, get out there, enjoy life, chase new experiences, read new words, take risks, and discover new things about yourself. Whatever it is, take the leap and go. Today is the best day you’ve ever had to do it. 

If you ask yourself anything today, make it this — what could make today stand out the most? How can you use the culmination of your life up to this point to make today a great day?

For me, what I’ve learnt from my past days that make today and each day better than the one before, are the little things that bring magic into each moment… the life in the first sip of my morning coffee, watching the waking colours of the sun bring the world to life as it rises, pouring my heart into every song while I drive along the beach as though no one is watching, walking around town and soaking in the sea breeze, digging my toes in the sand and leaping into the ocean as I let the cold wake each vein in my body, coming home to be surrounded in passion and drown in creativity, the rush of excitement from finishing new projects, the conversations that stir connection and bring new ideas to life, getting lost in the pages of my favourite books, settling in while daylight fades and the colours of the setting sun wash away the day, hopping in a cold shower and feeling my mind reset, falling asleep tangled in fresh sheets to the sound of rain, and soaking in the reminder that tomorrow will be another great adventure.

When you realise that each day promises to bring more, your whole life begins to change. 

To making today, and every day that follows, better than the days that pass.


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