Seek Society Book Club



Seek Society Book Club
(n.) a collection of thoughts and ideas in a journey together through the minds of creatives that make us pause, take a look around and widen our perspective of the life around us.

Seek Society Book Club is a collective entanglement of thoughts, ideas, musings, and words. A journey together through the minds of creatives that make us pause, take a look around and widen our perspective of the life around us.

When I was growing up I found a home in books. I always lived in books more than I lived anywhere else. And it was from this love of books, of escaping within, that I fell in love with writing. It was here that I found my voice. I don’t

“I don’t think we go into books, I think they go into us. Each story becomes a part of who we are.”

think we go into books, I think they go into us. Each story becomes a part of who we are, and we’ll always walk away from a story with a piece of us altered in some way. There’s more to the experience of reading than just the book. It is a collision of both the world of the author, and your own. An entanglement of both perspectives. The experience influencing, and being influenced by both. 

I’ve always been mesmerised by the details between the lines of books, the ways in which each person ventures a different journey from the pages of the same story. Each of us embarks on a different experience when we read a book, shaped by our own thoughts, perspectives, and journey, as much as the authors’ words. Within the pages are different lines that make you feel something, passages that make you laugh, and things that make you cry — and it’s unique for every reader. You read what makes you, you. And the story you construct from the words becomes a testament to the kind of person you are.

Reading forces you to be quiet in a world that is always roaring.

Books take you to the depths of places you’ve never been.

Words create a portal for time travel, world-crossing, and ultimately, an escape.

In the end, we all became stories, and for a brief time, we get to live in the stories of others. What lives on in a story, never dies. 

I read to learn and explore new things and gain a broader perspective of the world and life itself. Reading helps us develop an understanding and a wider view of everything around us. It grants us access into the minds of greats who are changing the world, and you will always finish a book knowing more than when you picked up the first pages. The Seek Society Book Club is a space to share that love, to talk about the books that have changed my life, and sometimes to give you just enough insight to seem like you have read the book if you don’t have the time or desire to do so. Because I believe that books have the power to change lives, even for those that don’t like to read. And as a writer, I am passionate about showing that to anyone who wants to listen. 

The world is full of books, and I am in pursuit of uncovering the very best of them, as many as I can. But navigating the somewhat infinite sea of which pages to pick up next can be a daunting trial. So I’m making it my vision to help. I’ll be sharing some of the many books that have changed the way I view the world — both fiction and nonfiction — that will make you think about every aspect of life. We’ll explore many genres and styles together, and maybe even 

“The world is full of books, and I am in pursuit of uncovering the very best of them, as many as I can.

stumble across a few new ones along the way. Some weeks will be a deep dive into one specific book, a discussion of the ideas, themes, and insights. Other weeks will be a dive into a certain genre — a simple round-up of books I’ve loved or am currently delving into.

And I’d love to hear from you too — your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on what you read. Because we all walk away with a different take, for some of us the stories are brought to life in a completely different world. Some of us share those worlds, and some of us make our own. That is the joy of reading, to discover hidden parts of ourselves and turn the dust within our bones into magic.

To the journey you’re on, and the stories still to come, I hope you fall in love with the words on the pages and the ideas they bring to life.

Seek Society Book Club #1 — coming soon.