Kundalini Yoga: Energy Awakening



We spend a lot of time with stagnant energy trapped within our bodies.

Kundalini is one of the most transformative practices I’ve found for shifting this energy and cleansing the mind through breathwork. Not only has it completely transformed my life, but it has also taught me so much about myself and the collective nature of the world. As a practice that works to physically move energy through your body, it focuses on completely transcending the life force that sits within. Kundalini is a powerful technology that works with all parts of the body to functionally move, organise, and completely transform the energy flowing through our bodies.

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini refers to the arising of a conscious energy from the base of the spine. This energy is the source of the life force known as pranic energy, chi, or bio-energy. The nature of Kundalini yoga is to awaken this energy of our consciousness, shed light on our self-imposed limitations, and invite the intuitive mind to develop.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a blend of spiritual and physical practices integrated to align you with your highest self and awaken this energy of consciousness within (kundalini). Incorporating movement, dynamic breathing, meditation, and vibrational mantras, Kundalini aligns everything in your body — your glandular system, the parasympathetic system, the nervous system, your chakras, and energy fields.

Kundalini is all about energy — a practice of transformation

“Incorporating movement, dynamic breathing, meditation and vibrational mantras, Kundalini aligns everything in your body: your glandular system, parasympathetic system, nervous system, your chakras and energy fields.

focused on exercises that generate energy, organise that energy, and deliver you to a specific energetic state through kriyas

In Kundalini Yoga, a kriya is a series of postures, breath, and sound — movements that target specific areas in the body. Practising a kriya initiates physical and mental changes that move this energy through your body. Using the breath, Kundalini teaches us how to use our prana (life force) properly as a tool throughout our lives — to wake, calm, become focused, and also heal emotional pain. Kundalini is so profound that it focuses deeply on all parts of the body at the same time (our energy body, nervous system, and organs). The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness by moving the energy through our body.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini practice can transcend your mind and consciousness, connecting your entire physical and energetic system. Tuning in to your higher self, setting a sacred practice, and connecting you to you — Kundalini transforms your mind and body together. Using mantras, your mind is focused on vibrational frequencies while practising the kriyas, which helps your mind develop and sharpen, and strengthens your ability to master your thoughts, feelings, and mental state.

 “The breathwork begins to strip away the layers of our consciousness to unveil a sense of who we are at our core. Kriyas work on balancing your entire body, from your chakras to your physiological energy, purifying and calming the body and mind.”

Moments of stillness that awaken your higher self are built within the practice. The breathwork begins to strip away the layers of our consciousness, unveiling a sense of who we are at our coreKriyas work on balancing your entire body, from your chakras to your physiological energy — purifying and calming the body and mind. Kriyas are designed to work specifically on different energy fields and needs — from shifting your

energy to a higher blissful state, to a connected and joyful state, to a shift of emotional and physical release, or to a more confronting and provoking state at the very core of who you are both physically and mentally. 

In truth, the benefits are endless. I have spent hours studying and immersing myself in the art of Kundalini, and I could fill an entire book on how this practice has changed my life. It’s referred to as a powerful technology that transforms both the body and mind on a physical, metaphysical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Because it is entirely that – a powerful technology available to you at any time and place, as a tool for complete transformation and healing. From spending as little as 10-15 minutes each morning practising Kundalini yoga for 30 days, you’ll be speechless at the magic that unfolds

If you want to dive deeper into the magic of Kundalini — I’ll be creating an interactive and immersive series on how Kundalini can transform your life, how you can practice it, and where to begin. Coming soon. 

Sign up to find out when The Power in Kundalini releases.


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